2012-09-08, 001, Historic Trails, WY
2012-09-07, 002, Deer Creek Village RV, WY 2012-09-10, 002, Independence Rock, WY 2012-09-10, 011, Devils Gate, WY

Stayed from 2012-09-07 to 2012-09-13

National Historic Trails, Casper, WY

Independence Rock

Devils Gate

2012-09-10, 004, Mormon Handcart, WY

Mormon Handcart
Martin’s Cove Pdf

Deer Creek Village RV Park
Deer Creek Village  RV Park Pdf

2012-09-11, 015, Natural Bridge, WY

Natural Bridge, WY

2012-09-14, 001, Register Cliff, WY

Register Cliff, WY

2012-09-12, 001, Fort Casper, WY

Fort Casper, WY
Fort Casper Pdf   Mormon Ferry Pdf

2012-09-14, 001, Fort Laramie, WY

Fort Laramie, WY
Fort Laramie Pdf

2012-09-14, 001, Oregon Trail Ruts, WY

Oregon Trail Ruts, WY

Deer Creek Village RV Park in Glenrock, Wyoming, not really an RV Park, more a trailer camp for transient workers.  We went to see ‘Independence Rock’, this is where when the settlers were heading west, had to be at this point by July 4th or they would not make it through the passes before the bad weather came.  They would marked their names and dates on this rock.  Also saw Devil’s Gate, another pass settlers had to head through heading west.  We also went to the ‘Natural Bridges’ state park, nature’s rock formations.  Another site was Register Cliff, that as well had the signatures and dates of the settlers passing through heading west.  We stopped at Casper, WY to see the ‘National Historic Trail’ museum, marking the Oregon, California, Pony Express, and Mormon Trails west.  Of course we had to stop the various Forts along the way, Fort Casper and Fort Laramie; and stand in the original cart/wagon ruts on the Oregon Trail.